Are you prepared for emergencies? Did you know that DHS/FEMA has a website,, that has checklists for planning ahead? Check it out now BEFORE you need it. They have checklists for families, kids, pets, commuters, and seniors as well as specialty information for college campuses. Their main site at includes information on hurricanes, floods, fires, and other disasters as well, including active shooter emergencies.
Here’s a quick checklist to get started on being prepared for emergencies:
- Read the appropriate DHS/FEMA checklists.
- Have both evacuation and shelter in place plans for your home, and make sure your family knows them. Drill, if possible.
- Have a good first aid kit at your home and in your vehicles, especially boats and ATVs.
- Practice good situational awareness when out of the home.
- Review your home for safety hazards and fix them, especially if you have small children or pets.
- Learn CPR and take a first aid course.
- Have enough food and water in place for everyone for at least seven (7) days, more if you live in a disaster-prone area and it’s “in season.”
- Be prepared for a lack of electricity. Generators and charged deep cycle batteries can help. Emergency heat and/or cooling should be planned for as well.
Are You Prepared?
Make sure you’re prepared for an emergency when—not if—it comes.